I am so looking forward to reading your book. I had 3 boys and then a daughter. Part of me mentally put away navigating raising a girl in this culture but then she was here! I am just finishing Ruth Whippman's book, what a powerful combination the two of you make.

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Three boys and a girl -- just like my FOO. Your kids are lucky to have a mom who is thinking about the forces that could be/are working against them. Thank you so much for all your support and for preordering! I look forward to joining forces to make a better world for our kids :)

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Excited to read the book! I have a daughter who is in her 20's now, and I can see places where I could have done much better. Delightfully, she says her dad was the one who taught her not to care what other people think, a big part of her feminist education. Thanks for the work you're doing!

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That IS delightful! I have a 16 year-old and can see places where I could have done better. It's so easy to say what we should strive for but putting that into practice (while getting them to soccer practice or to practice their instrument or to help clean up or whatever) is a whole other story :)

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Aug 6
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Vladica, This brought tears to my eyes. Both because of your kind words and because I can't tell you how much I wish I had this book when my daughter was in first grade and that my mother had it when I was in first grade. It's why I wrote it! Your daughters are very lucky. Thank you so much for preordering it ❤️

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